Monday, November 8, 2010

How to have the life you have always wanted in 7 easy steps

Do you want to take control of your life?
Do you want to create a life full of abundance, fun and beautiful things?
Wouldn't it be great if you could have all of this NOW?


You can see it in your mind! And if you can see it, you can achieve it...

Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to help you create your ideal lifestyle. Once you get control of your thoughts, you can get control of your life. So how exactly do you use your mind in such a powerful way? Let's break it down:

1. Get clarity in all areas of your life! Create a list of what you don't want and what you do want for all areas of your life - relationships, health, career, finances, etc to get ultimate clarity on what you desire.

2. Be grateful everyday! Write a list of 5 things that you are grateful for every morning. The more you are grateful for what you have, the more the universe will reward you.

3. Say positive affirmations everyday! Look at yourself in the mirror and say 10 positive statements about you, the person you are becoming and the great things that you have. The more your brain hears it, the more it will move towards the ideal you!
4. Visualise! The subconscious mind doesn't see words, it only sees pictures. Spend time visualising what you want everyday to create the energy to attract it to you.

5. Write your goals down. Just as the subconscious mind only sees pictures, the conscious mind only sees words. Writing your goals down makes them appear more real.

6. Record evidence in action. As you continue to perform this ritual on a daily basis, the universe has a funny way of responding and things will start to happen. Record what happens to prove to yourself that this stuff does work!

7. Believe that you deserve it! Whatever happened in your past has happened, and you can't change it. Accept that you deserve the best from the world and success will be attracted to you.

And it's as simple as that! The key to this whole process is consistency - you need to do it everyday to keep the energy going... Thoughts + feelings + actions = results!

Good luck!


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